Laboratory Service

LLC "Asl Oyna" spends significant funds on development and research. For our customers, the company is constantly developing technical improvements based on its own new ideas.The Agency "Uzstandard" certifies, that the production testing laboratory of LLC Asl Oyna conforms to requirements of The o'z Ost ISO/IEC 17025:2007 standard and is accredited in National system of accreditation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.Input quality control of raw materials and raw materials for the manufacture of glass is carried out by an accredited testing laboratory LLC "ASL OYNA" in accordance with the approved Procedure for the input and current (operational) control of raw materials and raw materials (UCS AIL-14).The purpose of the tests is to obtain reliable information about the compliance of quality and safety raw materials the regulatory requirements of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Tasks of input and current control of raw materials, charge and glass. The main tasks are: -quality control input and current (operational) raw materials; -evaluation of the composition of the batch and its components, requirements for control; -evaluation of the chemical composition of the glass; -providing information about the chemical composition and physical state of the raw materials Department of the main technologist who takes the relevant decisions on the follow-up to the established requirements; -check of compliance of quality of raw materials to the established requirements for the purpose of timely submission of claims to suppliers, as well as for operational work with suppliers to ensure the required level of quality of the supplied raw materials. Organizational-technical providing input and monitoring of raw material, batch and glass. Input and current control of raw materials, charge and glass is carried out in a specially designated room equipped with the necessary controls and tests. The list of applied equipment control, test and measurement, materials, and reagents, as well as the requirements to input and current inspection of raw materials should be indicated in NTD or in the methods for conducting the tests.Testing. Received (input) and processed raw materials upon receipt of the enterprise sand, soda ash, dolomite laboratory receives notification of the arrival of raw materials (UCS AIL-14 f-01) from the head of the warehouse, as well as (if available) accompanying documentation on the quality of this raw material. The head of the laboratory determines the employee for sampling. The designated staff member selects samples for analysis. At receipt of cullet the analysis of quality of cullet on the basis of "Regulations on acceptance of purchased cullet"is made. The results of the analysis of the cullet, a Commission consisting of representative of the laboratory, engineer, warehouse Manager, chief security officer, shift supervisor of the subdivision shall be drawn output control for broken glass PSK AIL-14 f-03, which is submitted to the accounting Department, a copy is kept in the testing laboratory. Sampling is carried out in accordance with UCS AIL-04. The selected samples are averaged. Upon receipt of samples to the test laboratory, samples are recorded in the journal of movement of samples of raw materials (form UCS AIL-14 f-02), and the accompanying documentation is filed in the folder "Accompanying documentation for raw materials". Laboratory staff carries out control and testing of raw materials (visual inspection, measurement, weighing, screening, chemical analysis, etc.) according to the regulatory documentation for each product. Controlled parameters, types of control, measuring instruments, frequency of control are set in the regulatory documentation for this raw material. If necessary, the calculations are carried out by experts in their personal working logs (form UCS AIL-05 f-02), which describes in detail the procedure of testing and measurement. The workbooks must contain data about the test sample. The results of incoming control of incoming raw materials are recorded in the Logs of tests and measurements (input control of raw materials) – PSK AIL-01-1...5 (physical methods, soda ash, quartz sand, dolomite, cullet). According to the results of incoming control of incoming raw materials, the laboratory informs the chief technologist of the enterprise about the results of the forms of UCS AIL-14 f-5, f-6. The chief technologist of the enterprise makes the decision on possibility of application of this raw material in production (if necessary, additional processing of raw materials is applied). In case of impossibility of application of this raw material in production, the chief technologist makes the decision on rejection of raw materials and gives the instruction to test laboratory to issue the Protocol of discrepancy provided by PSK-4 "Management of nonconforming production" of QMS of the enterprise. Rejected raw materials at the entrance control are marked (branded) "Marriage" and stored in the marriage insulator until this issue is resolved with the supplier. In case of rejection of raw material quality from NTD, chief technologist gives a written order log job records masters composite plant form A5-F5 on the future regime of processing of raw materials. Control of processed raw materials (chemical. composition) is carried out by the laboratory according to the requirements of NTD. The results of the chemical analysis of the processed raw materials are recorded in the journals PSK AIL-14 f-01-1...5 and brought to the attention of the chief technologist form PSK AIL-14 f-05, f-07 for the preparation of the recipe charge Pl3 f-5 (Regulations on technological support of production).The entire list of laboratory services is set out in the file, which You can download below.
100155, Sergeli District, project G-90 street