100155, Sergeli District, project G-90 street
More than 350 products
Production and services
The ASL OYNA LLC company the leading producer of glass containers in the region of Central Asia. Glass containers are environmentally friendly product. One of the main advantages of glass is its neutral and absolutely harmless to human health composition. In such a container, you can store any food without fear for their quality and safety. Glass does not emit any substances, it does not have its own smell, which can be transferred to the product. Glass bottles are often used for storage of dairy products, for which microbiological indicators of the inner surface of the container are so important. Glass jars are easy to sterilize, so they can be safely used for long-term preservation and storage of baby food.
Printing on glass products can not only make the shelf attractive, which will attract the attention of the buyer.
Packaging is the main part of the marketing plan for any business related to the production of goods. The decision to purchase the product depends on what kind of packaging it will be, so it requires your attention to detail and a sense of brand image.
Now, using the high-tech equipment of ASL OYNA LLC, we can provide you with the most modern technologies necessary to meet your needs in high-quality decoration.
Plant of JSC "ASL OYNA" offers quartz sand with high natural features. Today our enterprise takes the leading positions in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan on production and realization of quartz sand of a high grade. Due to the use of modern technologies and imported equipment, quartz sand goes through a full cycle of purification and enrichment. Shipment of products comes from storage facilities at the plant in the city of Tashkent.
As a result, the resulting enriched quartz sand acquires a milky hue, because it does not contain compounds of organic origin, iron oxides and clay components.
LLC "Asl Oyna" spends significant funds on development and research. For our customers, the company is constantly developing technical improvements based on its own new ideas.
Agency "Uzstandard" certifies that the production testing laboratory of LLC "Asl Oyna" meets the requirements of O'z Ost ISO/IEC 17025:2007 and is accredited in the National accreditation system of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
About company ASL OYNA
Company today
LLC "Asl Oyna" is a stable exporter, and positioned on internal and external markets, as a promising company with a quality product. A clear evidence of the development of our company is successfully developing cooperation with such large foreign companies as JSC IP "Efes Kazakhstan", LLC "UzCarlsberg", Coca Cola Bottlers Uzbekistan LTD. OJSC "Uzbekiston champagne", JV LLC "Pulsar Group Brewery", LLC "KUMHAR", as well as all large industrial enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the CIS.In its activities, the company follows the principles of the supremacy of quality.
High quality and competitive price allows you to occupy a leading position not only in the domestic but also in foreign markets. LLC ASL OYNA pays special attention to continuous development of production capacities, infrastructure, and also professional development of specialists of the enterprise. The number of staff to date more than 600 people. Since 2018, the company has implemented a quality management system according to the international standard ISO 9001:2015.
Updated company website.
The company "ASL OYNA", thanks to the web Studio LifeStyle completely changed the main website of the company.
The company "Asl Oyna" has started to implement major investment projects.
Manufacturer of specialized glass ASL Oyna plans to implement a number of investment projects.
Normative documents, according to which the products are manufactured (enterprise Standards, GOST). The products of the company "ASL OYNA" manufactured in accordance with the following regulations in the area of standardization (standards, technical conditions, regulations, etc.): - GOST 32131-2013 "glass Bottles for alcoholic and non-alcoholic food products. General specifications"; - GOST 10117.2 "glass Bottles for food liquids. Types, parameters and basic sizes"; - GOST 5717.1 "Glass cans. General specifications»;
100155, Sergeli District, project G-90 street